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Always Doing

Escapist reading for those who are always doing.

Currently reading

Mari Fujimura, 藤村真理

Iron Kissed (Mercy Thompson Series #3)

Iron Kissed (Mercy Thompson Series #3) - Mercy Thompson's world is a home for me. I've been looking for a series like this for a long time - a place to return to when other books leave me unsatisfied or I'm stuck in a slump. Reconnecting with this cast is a joy, so much so that I don't let myself read the next book until a couple of months have passed. Why gulp everything down when I can draw out the pleasure?The part I loved most about this book I can't talk about. Er, won't talk about. It blindsided me and I'd like it to blindside you. It gave me a lot to think about and made Iron Kissed a four star read. Now I just need two more months to go by so I can read the next one.